About us

Islamism has a deep impact on many different areas of society. Media debates change the overall perception of Muslims and trigger dynamics of polarization. Seen as a potential threat, Islamism provides a justification for far-reaching security policy measures. In addition, a variety of preventive approaches have developed as it became apparent that Islamist radicalization is occurring in Germany as well.

In the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) program "Societal Causes and Effects of Radical Islam in Germany and Europe", twelve research projects are studying this multi-faceted field - bringing together around 100 researchers from a variety of disciplines in this line of funding. Among the research topics are different causes of radicalization, helpful prevention strategies, and impacts of Islamism and the associated discourses.

The knowledge transfer project RADIS supports these projects by organizing joint events, pooling the expertise within the program, and enabling dialog with politicians, administration, and prevention practitioners.