Principal Investigators:
Research assistant
Duration: 09/2020 - 03/2025
Islamist-motivated terrorism and radical Islam have been the focus of media, political and social attention for years. But which countermeasure is taken when? Strategies against Islamism range from prevention by civil society groups to coercive measures taken by the government, for example, in the form of tightening criminal law. Although fundamental questions of liberal and pluralistic societies are always addressed when dealing with radical Islam, there is a lack of studies that examine which factors have been decisive for these measures.
Based on this research gap, the KURI project examines how Islamism has been dealt with in Germany since 2001. The analysis is intended to shed light on what societal demands are placed on the state and civil society institutions. On this basis, the project explores how different actors in the field perceive problems and develop solution strategies. The analysis differentiates between the perspectives of politicians, administrators, security authorities, and civil society groups and also includes right-wing populist and right-wing extremist dynamics. The goal of KURI is to support politics and society in finding well-founded and practice-oriented answers for dealing with Islamism in Germany and Europe.
Film "The KURI Project" | Duration 1"51' | Realisation Ute Seitz // Philipp Offermann | HSFK 2021
The KURI project takes a look at countermeasures to radical Islam. How have they developed in Germany and Europe over the past 20 years? In an interview, project leaders Dr. Julian Junk and PD Dr. Martin Kahl report on initial findings and the practical added value of their research. Read more...